I had Rs. 10000 with me. Out of this money I lent some money to A for 2 years @ 15% simple interest. I lent the remaining money to B for an equal number of years @18% simple interest. After 2 years, I found that A had given me Rs. 360 more as interest as compared to B. The amount of money which I had lent to B must have been.

Correct Answer: Rs. 4000
Let the sum lent to A be Rs. x. and that lent to B be Rs. (10000 - x)
$$\eqalign{ & \Rightarrow \frac{{x \times 15 \times 2}}{{100}} - \frac{{\left( {10000 - x} \right) \times 18 \times 12}}{{100}} = 360 \cr & \Rightarrow 30x - 360000 + 36x = 36000 \cr & \Rightarrow 66x = 396000 \cr & \Rightarrow x = 6000 \cr} $$
Sum lent to B
= Rs. (10000 - 6000)
= Rs. 4000