If in a race Dilip finishes 6th and Babu finishes 5th which of the following can be true ?

Correct Answer: Farup finishes third or fourth
Let, the cost price be Tk. X So, the selling price be Tk. (x - 16x100) = Tk 21x25 At 30% discount, If selling price Tk. 70 then list price Tk. 100 so " " " 21x25 then list price tk 21x×10025×70 = Tk 6x5 Again, at 10% discount, If list price Tk. 100 then selling price Tk. 90 so " " " 6x5 then selling price tk 90×6x100×5 = Tk 27x25 So, profit will be Tk (27x25 - x) = Tk 2x25 So, profit percent (2x25÷x×100)% = 8%