Which of the following statements are true?<br>1. The coefficient of rank correlation has the same limits as the Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation.<br>2. The coefficient of correlation is independent of the change of origin but not of scale.<br>3. The covariance between $$X$$ and $$Y$$ is defined as $$\frac{{\sum {xy} }}{n}$$ where, $$x = \left( {X - \overline X } \right),y = \left( {Y - \overline Y } \right)$$      and $$n = $$ no. of paired observations.<br>4. $${b_{xy}}$$ is called regression coefficient of $$X$$ variable on $$Y$$ variable.<br>5. If $${b_{xy}}$$ is 0.4 and $${b_{yx}}$$ is 1.6, coefficient of determination would be 0.8.<br>Select the correct answer:

Correct Answer: 1, 3 and 4