A mine ventilation system consists of two splits A and B with resistances of 0.8 Ns<sup>2</sup>m<sup>-8</sup> and 3.2 Ns<sup>2</sup>m<sup>-8</sup>, respectively as shown in figure. Trunk airways have resistance of 0.2 Ns<sup>2</sup>m<sup>-8</sup>. The main mine fan is generating pressure of 500 Pa.<br><img src="/images/question-image/mining-engineering/mine-ventilation/1682427077-M2-3-65-87.jpg" title="Mine Ventilation mcq question image" alt="Mine Ventilation mcq question image"><br>The air quantities in m<sup>3</sup>/s circulated in the splits A and B respectively are

Correct Answer: 20 and 10