<u>Question :</u> How is 'No' coded in the code language ?<br><br><u>Statements :</u><br>I. 'Ne Pa Sic Lo' means 'But No None And' and 'Pa Lo Le Ne' means 'If None And But'.<br>II. 'Le Se Ne Sic' means 'If No None Will' and 'Le Pi Se Be' means 'Not None If All'.

Correct Answer: I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
In the two statements given in I, the common words are 'But', 'None', 'And' and the common code words are 'Ne', 'Pa', ,'Lo'. So, 'Ne', 'Pa' and 'Lo' are codes for 'But', 'None' and 'And'. Thus, in the first statement, 'Sic' is the code for 'No'.