<u>Question :</u> On a T.V. channel, four serials A, B, C and D were screened, one on each day, on four consecutive days but not necessarily in that order. On which day was the serial C screened ?<br><br><u>Statements :</u><br>I. The first serial was screened on 23rd, Tuesday and was followed by serial D.<br>II. Serial A was not screened on 25th and one serial was screened between serials A and B.

Correct Answer: Both I and II are sufficient
From I, we know that the serials were screened on 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th.
Clearly, D was screened second i.e. on 24th, Wednesday.
From II, we know that one serial was screened between A and B.
So, A and B were screened first and third, i.e. on 23rd and 25th. But, A was not screened on 25th.
So, A was screened on 23rd and B on 25th. Thus, C was screened on 26th, Friday.