<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statements :</u> About 50 per cent of the animal by-products - hair, skin, horns etc. is edible protein. American chemists have developed a method of isolating 45 per cent of this protein. They used an enzyme developed in Japan to break down soya protein.<br><br><u>Conclusions :</u><br>I. Americans have not been able to develop enzymes.<br>II. Animal by-products protein has the same composition as soya protein.

Correct Answer: Neither I nor II follows
That the American chemists used an enzyme developed in Japan, does not mean that Americans have not been able to develop enzymes. So, I does not follow. Also, nothing about the compositions of animal by products protein and soya protein is mentioned in the statement. So, II also does not follow.