<u>Directions :</u> Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.<br><br><u>Statement :</u> Should the educated unemployed youth be paid "unemployment allowance" by the Government?<br><br><u>Arguments :</u><br>I. Yes. It will provide them some monetary help to either seek employment or to kick-start some 'self-employment' venture.<br>II. No. It will dampen their urge to do something to earn their livelihood and thus promote idleness among the unemployed youth.

Correct Answer: Both I and II are strong
Young people, who do not get employment due to the large number of applicants in all fields, must surely be given allowance so that they can support themselves. So, argument I is valid. However, such allowances would mar the spirit to work, in them and make them idle. So, argument II also holds.