S<sub>1</sub>:For decades, American society has been calling a melting pot.<br>P :Differences remained - in appearence, mannerisms, customs, speech, religion and more.<br>Q :The term has long been a cliche and half-truth.<br>R :But homogenisation was never acheived.<br>S :Yes, immigrants from diverse cultures and traditions did cast off vestiges of their native lands and become almost imperceptibly woven in to the American fabric.<br>S<sub>6</sub>:In recent years, such differences accentuated by the arrival of immigrants from Asia and other parts of the world in the United States - have become something to celebrate and to nurture.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: SQRP
Yes, immigrants from diverse cultures and traditions did cast off vestiges of their native lands and become almost imperceptibly woven in to the American fabric. The term has long been a cliche and half-truth. But homogenisation was never achieved. Differences remained - in appearance, mannerisms, customs, speech, religion and more.