S<sub>1</sub>:Jawaharlal Nehru was the greatest plan-enthusiast.<br>P :Under Nehru's advice, the pre-Independent congress set up National Planning Commission in 1938.<br>Q :But he forgot that what could be achieved by force under the communist dictatorship of Russia was not possible under the democratic set up of India.<br>R :He took the idea from Russia where Five year plans transformed a very backward country into a top power of the world.<br>S :No free government can call for compulsory sacrifice and suffering from the whole people.<br>S<sub>6</sub>:Nehru himself became the chairman of the commission.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: RQSP
He took the idea from Russia where Five year plans transformed very backward country into a top power of the world. But he forgot that what could be achieved by force under the communist dictatorship of Russia was not possible under the democratic set up of India. No free government can call for compulsory sacrifice and suffering from the whole people. Under Nehru’s advice, the pre-Independent congress set up National Planning Commission in 1938.