S<sub>1</sub>: In the present day it is not necessary that generals or great officers should fight with their own hands, because it is their duty to direct he movements of their followers.<br>P: But in the ancient times, kings and great lords were obliged to put themselves into the very front.<br>Q: Therefore, it was of great consequence that they should be strong men and dexterous in the use of their arms.<br>R: The artillery and the soldiers shoot at the enemy, and men seldom mingle and fight hand to hand.<br>S: They fought like ordinary men with the lance and other weapons.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: Robert Bruce was so remarkably active and powerful that he came through many personal dangers.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: RPSQ
The artillery and the soldiers shoot at the enemy, and men seldom mingle and fight hand to hand. But in the ancient times, kings and great lords were obliged to put themselves into the very front. They fought like ordinary men with the lance and other weapons. Therefore, it was of great consequence that they should be strong men and dexterous in the use of their arms.