A tank has a leak which would empty the completely filled tank in 10 hours. If the tank is full of water and a tap is opened which admits 4 litres of water per minute in the tank , the leak takes 15 hours to empty the tank. How many litres of water does the tank hold?

Correct Answer: 7200 litters
Let the total capacity of the tank is 30 units.
The efficiency of Leakage(Pipe A) will be $$\frac{30}{10}$$  = 3
And the efficiency of the leakage (Pipe A) and another Pipe (B) which is filling the tank will be $$\frac{30}{15}$$  = 2
Pipe A is emptying at 3 units/hr and when filling pipe B started then the emptying rate will come down to 2 units/hr.
∴ Filling Pipe B efficiency is 3 - 2 = 1unit/hr
Pipe B will be fill the tank in $$\frac{30}{1}$$  = 30 hrs
Filling rate of Pipe B per minute is 4 litter
∴ Total Capacity of tank will be = (4 × 60) × 30 = 7200 litters