A and B started a business by investing Rs. 36000 and Rs. 45000 respectively. After 4 months B withdraws $$\frac{4}{9}$$ of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested $$\frac{{11}}{9}$$ of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?

Correct Answer: Rs. 13560
Total capital invested by A in 1 year
$$\eqalign{ & = 36000 \times 12 \cr & = {\text{Rs}}{\text{. 432000}} \cr} $$
Total capital invested by B in 1 year
$$ = 45000 \times 4$$   + $$\left( {45000 - 20000} \right) \times 5$$     + $$\left( {55000 + 25000} \right) \times 3$$
$$ = 180000 + 125000 + 240000$$
$$ = {\text{Rs}}{\text{.}}\,{\text{545000}}$$
  A   :   B
Ratio of Capital →   432000 : 545000
Ratio of Profit → 432 : 545

$$\eqalign{ & {\text{According to the question,}} \cr & \left( {432 + 545} \right){\text{units}} = {\text{Rs}}{\text{. 117240}} \cr & {\text{977 units}} = {\text{Rs}}{\text{. 117240}} \cr & {\text{1 unit}} = {\text{Rs}}{\text{. }}\frac{{117240}}{{977}} \cr & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{\text{ = Rs}}{\text{. 120}} \cr & {\text{Difference in profit}} \cr & = \left( {545 - 432} \right) \times 120 \cr & = {\text{ 13560}} \cr} $$
It means B will get Rs. 13560 more than A