Find the selling price of goods if two salesmen claim to make 25% profit each, one calculating it on cost price while another on the selling price, the difference in the profits earned being Rs. 100 and selling price being the same in both the cases?

Correct Answer: Rs. 1200
Let CP's be Rs. 1000 each, their respective SP will be,
1000 == 25%↑ ⇒ 1250
1000 == 33.33%↑ ⇒ 1333.33
The difference turned out to be = 83.33. This has occured when we have assumed the CP as 1000. But, we are given difference of Rs. 100
So, on comparing,
83.33 = 1000
1 = $$\frac{{1000}}{{83.33}}$$
100 = $$\frac{{1000}}{{83.33}} \times 100$$   = Rs. 1200