The owner of a local jewellery store hired 3 watchmen to guard his diamonds, but a thief still got in and stole some diamonds. On the way out, the thief met each watchman, one at a time. To each he gave $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of the diamonds he had then and 2 more besides. He escaped with one diamond. How many did he steal originally?

Correct Answer: 36
At last thief is left with one diamond.
Hence, the number of diamonds before he gave some diamonds to the third watchman,
$$\eqalign{ & \Rightarrow x - \left( { {\frac{x}{2}} + 2} \right) = 1 \cr & {\text{or, }}{\kern 1pt} \frac{{ {x - 4} }}{2} = 1 \cr & {\text{or, }}{\kern 1pt} x = 6 \cr} $$
Hence, he had 6 diamonds before he gave 5 to the third watchman.
Similarly number of diamonds before giving to second watchman,
$$\eqalign{ & \frac{{ {x - 4} }}{2} = 6 \cr & {\text{or,}}\,{\kern 1pt} x = 16 \cr} $$
And number of diamonds before giving to the first watchman,
$$\eqalign{ & \frac{{ {x - 4} }}{2} = 16 \cr & {\text{or, }}{\kern 1pt} x = 36 \cr} $$
∴ The thief has stolen 36 diamonds originally