In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet. S1 :The bureaucrat and the social worker are men of totally different orientations and styles of functioning.<br />S6:The world will be a better place to live in if they learn a little from each other.<br />P:The other is considered to be a man ever on the move.<br />Q:He is portrayed as a man fond of rules above all other things.<br />R:The one is regarded as given to sedentary habits, doing a lot of paper work.<br />S:Driven by an urge to help others he is impatient with red tape and unnecessary delays. The proper sequence should be

Correct Answer: R Q P S

The opening statement described about the bureaucrat and the social worker. So the succeeding statement would be talking about both of them. So, the statement doing so is statement R. So, R being the first statement eliminates all other options. Thus, the correct sequence is RQPS.