In the following question, ashort passage with one of the lines in thepassage missing and represented by ablank is given. Select the best out of thefive answer choices given, to make thepassage complete and coherent(coherent means logically complete andsound).<br />There is a fairly universal sentiment thatthe use of nuclear weapons is clearlycontrary to mortality and that itsproduction probably so, does not go farenough. These activities are not onlyopposed to mortality but also to the law.If the legal objection can be added to themoral, the argument against the use andmanufacture of these weapons willconsiderably be reinforced. Now thetime is ripe to evaluate the responsibilityof scientists who knowingly use theirexpertise for the construction of suchweapons, which has a deleterious effecton mankind.<br />How appropriate it is that all thisvaluable skill should be devoted to themanufacture of weapons of death in aworld of poverty is a question that musttouch the scientific conscience.

Correct Answer: Almost 50% of the skilled scientific\manpower in the world is now engaged\in the armaments industry.

Choice 1 is correct as it matches with the flow of the passage. The whole paragraph is about the devastating effects that nuclear weapons have due to certain curtailments on part of thescientists in the moral and the conscience aspect. It is only logical to mention an argument to support the next statement. It also keeps up with the tone and generalsubject of the passage.Option 2 is a bad choice as it talks about absolutely nothing and is too naïve. Therefore is incorrect as it is beyond the general theme.Option 3 is incorrect as it obviously does not go with the flow of the Para.As for option 4, it is incorrect as the statement is illogical.As for 5, neither does it logically follow the previous sentence nor is it related to the anything in the next sentence.