In the following question, apassage is given which describes asituation. From the given options, markthe correct inference that can be drawnfrom the passage. If none of theinferences follow, mark option 5, &ldquo;Noneof these&rdquo; as the answer.<br />The philosophy of pragmatism goessomething like this. The mind is suchthat it deals only with ideas. It is notpossible for the mind to relate toanything other than ideas. Therefore, itis not correct to think that the mindactually can ponder reality. All that themind can ponder is its ideas aboutreality. (Whether or not that is the wayreality actually is, is a metaphysical<br />issue). Therefore, whether or notsomething is true is not a matter of howclosely it corresponds to the absolutetruth, but of how consistent it is with ourexperience.

Correct Answer: Our experiences define our concept of\reality.

The passage states that reality is not an absolute truth, but a result of our consistent experiences. This makes option a is a correct inference made from the passage. Option 2 is a direct statement already made in the given passage. Option 3 cannot be inferred from the passage as ‘pragmatism’ is considered as a philosophy while ‘reality’ is considered as an amalgamation of our experiences. According to the given passage our experiences enables us to determine what is the reality which may or may not be the truth. This makes option 4 incorrect.