10 men and 15 women together can complete a work in 6 days. It takes 100 days for one man alone to complete the same work. How many days will be required for one woman alone to complete the same work?

Correct Answer: 225 days

Given that

(10M + 15W) x 6 days = 1M x 100 days

=> 60M + 90W = 100M

=> 40M = 90W

=> 4M = 9W.

From the given data,

1M can do the work in 100 days

=> 4M can do the same work in 100/4= 25 days.

=> 9W can do the same work in 25 days.

=> 1W can do the same work in 25 x 9 = 225 days.


Hence, 1 woman can do the same work in 225 days.