You create an ASP.NET page that uses images to identify areas where a user can click to initiate actions. The users of the application use Internet Explorer. <br />You want to provide a pop-up window when the user moves the mouse pointer over an image. You want the pop-up window to display text that identifies the action that will be taken if the user clicks the image. <br />What should you do?

Correct Answer: For each image, set the ToolTip property to specify the text you want to display.

WebControl.ToolTip property gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control. The use of the ToolTip property meets the requirement of this scenario.


Incorrect Answers:

A: The AlternateText property is used to specify the text to display if the image is not available.

C: The RaiseBubbleEvent is not useful here. ASP.NET server controls such as the Repeater, DataList and DataGrid Web controls can contain child controls that raise events. Rather than each button raising an event individually, events from the nested controls are "bubbled"—that is, they are sent to the control's parent.

D: The ToStringMethod() would not by itself provide the functionality required.