Out of 25 students of a class, 12 failed the exam and has an average of 45 marks. From the passing students 3 got distinction. If the average of the class is 70 marks, passing marks are 50 and to get a distinction one must score 100 marks, find the average marks of the students who passed the exam without distinction. The exam was of 100 marks.

Correct Answer: 91
Total marks obtained by the students = average * number of students = 70 * 25 = 1750 Marks obtained by the students who failed the exam = 12 * 45 = 540 Marks obtained by the students with distinction = 100 * 3 = 300 Marks obtained by the students who passed without distinction = 1750 – 540 – 300 = 910 Average marks of the students = 910 / 10 = 91