Out of 10 employees in an office 5 drink 2 cups of coffee per day, 3 drinks 3 cups of hot chocolate per day and 2 drink 5 cups of tea per day. If it is known that on an average to make a cup of coffee 100 ml of milk is used, to make a cup of hot chocolate 180 ml of milk is used and to make a cup of tea 60 ml milk is used, find the monthly expenditure on milk of the company, if milk is 46 rupees per liter.

Correct Answer: 4324
Total consumption of milk per day: Hot chocolate = 3 * 3 * 180 = 1620 ml Coffee = 5 * 2 * 100 = 1000 ml Tea = 2 * 5 * 60 = 600 ml Total = 1620 + 1000 + 600 = 3200 ml per day = 3200 * 30 = 96000 ml per month = 96 liters per month Total expenditure = 96 * 46 = 4324