In Bells Palsy, the face muscles get paralyzed. To protect the eye from harm, what all can be done? i) Use eye patch ii) Stay in a dark Room iii) Use eye drops iv) Rub the eyes v) Massage the eye area vi) Eat Vitamin A

Correct Answer: i, iii, v
In Bell’s Palsy, a person’s face muscles get paralyzed. The condition can get better within months or may last a long time. The reason for this paralysis is inflammation or impingement of the cranial nerve that supplies to the face. Thus, the movements of the face, including blinking and producing tears is disturbed causing the eye to remain open, become dry and vulnerable to infections. In such cases, it is important to cover the eye and keep it moist. Thus an eye patch and eye drops are a feasible option. Massaging the eye area will enhance the blood flow and relieve some tension in the paralyzed muscles.