Which of the following chemicals are used to treat the instruments made out of polymers? i) Ethylene Oxide ii) Hydrochloric Acid iii) Silver Cyanide iv) Ozone v) Bleach vi) Saline Solution vii) Sulphuric Acid viii) Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde ix) Phthalaldehyde x) Hydrogen Peroxide xi) Nitric Acid xii) Peracetic Acid xiii) Silver xiv) Formic Acid xv) Citric Acid

Correct Answer: i, iv, v, viii, ix, x, xii, xiii
Instruments made out of polymers cannot be treated with high heat or pressure like autoclaves because it can cause the instrument to be damaged. Thus, they are treated with chemicals. These chemicals need to be strong enough to destroy the microorganisms but should not be corrosive or else they will destroy the instrument.