Mahfuz has a total of Tk. 480 in the denominations of one Taka, five Taka and Ten taka nones. The numbers of different notes are equal. what is the total number of notes?

Correct Answer: 90
ধরি, 1 টাকার নোটের সংখ্যা x <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#x2234;</mo></math> (1 <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#xD7;</mo></math> x) + (5 x) + (10 x) = 480 <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#x21D2;</mo></math>x + 5x + 10x = 480 <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#x21D2;</mo></math> x = <math xmlns = ""><mfrac><mn>480</mn><mn>16</mn></mfrac></math> <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#x2234;</mo></math> x = 30 <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#x2234;</mo></math> মোট নোটের সংখ্যা (3 <math xmlns = ""><mo>&#xD7;</mo></math> 30) টি = 90 টি।