If the inside radius of the pulley rim is equal to 150 mm and the angle subtended by shoes at the centre of the spider is 60°, find the net outward radial force of the centrifugal clutch. The intensity of pressure is equal to 0.1 N/mm2 and the width is given to be 100 mm.

Correct Answer: 1570.8 N
θ = 60° = π/3 rad, R = 150 mm, b = 100 mm and p = 0.1 N/mm2 l = θ R = 157.08 mm Net outward radial force of the centrifugal clutch = l.b.p = Pc – Ps Pc – Ps = 157.08 x 100 x 0.1 = 1570.8 N.