An electric motor drives a machine through a speed reducing gear of ratio 9:1. The motor armature, with its shaft and gear wheel, has moment of inertia 0.6 kg-m2. The rotating part of the driven machine has moment of inertia 45 kg-m2. The driven machine has resisting torque of 100 N-m and the efficiency of reduction gear is 95%. Find the power which the motor must develop to drive the machine at a uniform speed of 160 r.p.m.

Correct Answer: 1764 W
Given : G = 9; IA = 0.6 kg-m2 ; IB = 45 kg-m2; TB = 100 N-m; η = 95% = 0.95; N = 160 r.p.m. ; N1 = 0 ; N2 = 60 r.p.m. TA = 30 N-m We know that the power which the motor must develop, P = 2πN TB/60× η = 2π × 160 × 100/60 x 0.95 = 1764 W