Find the area by co-ordinate method if the independent co-ordinates are (400, 400), (423, 456), (478, 498), (400, 400)

Correct Answer: 1510 cu. m
The formula in area by co-ordinate method can be given by, A = 1⁄2 (y1(x2-x4) + y3(x3-x4) + y3(x4-x2) + y4(x1-x3)). On substitution of the co-ordinates in the area we get, A = 1⁄2 (100(423-400) + 498(478-400) + 498(400-423) + 400(400-478)) A = -1510 cu. m, negative sign has no significance. So, A = 1510cu. M.