A Differential manometer is connected at the points A and Bat the centre of two pipes. The pipe A(left limb) contains a liquid of specific gravity = 1.5 while pipe B (right limb)contains a liquid of specific gravity 0.85. The pressure at A and B are .5 kgf/cm2 and 1.2 kgf/cm2 respectively. Find the difference in level of mercuru in the differential manometer. A is 2.5m above B and 5 m above the mercury in its own limb. B is 2.5 m above the mercury level in limb A.

Correct Answer: 12.7 cm
Total pressure at the datum line in limb A = Total pressure at the datum line in limb B\ 0.5*9.81*10000 + 5*9.81*1500 + h*9.81*13600 = 1.2*9.81*10000 + (h+2)*9.81*850 After solving, h=12.7 cm.