What is minimum amount of air required per m3 of gaseous fuel for complete combustion? m3/m3 of fuel b) 1/100 m3/m3 of fuel c) 1/21 m3/m3 of fuel d) 1/100 m3/m3 of fuel

Correct Answer: 1/21 m3/m3 of fuel
Volumetric analysis of fuels hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen is done and required minimum amount of oxygen is found for one m3 of gaseous fuel: O2 required/m3 of fuel = 1/100 m3 As atmospheric air contains 21% of O2 by volume, minimum air required t burn one m3 of gaseous fuel is given by, Minimum volume of air required (cm3/m3 of fuel): = 1/100 100/21 = 1/21 m3/m3 of fuel.