A high contrast image and a dark image will have what kind of histogram respectively, when the histogram, h(rk) = nk, rk the kth gray level and nk total pixels with gray level rk, is plotted nk versus rk? The histogram that are concentrated on the dark side of gray scale. The histogram whose component are biased toward high side of gray scale. The histogram that is narrow and centered toward the middle of gray scale. The histogram that covers wide range of gray scale and the distribution of pixel is approximately uniform.

Correct Answer: IV) And I) respectively
The histogram plot is nk versus rk. So, the histogram of a low contrast image will be narrow and centered toward the middle of gray scale. A dark image will have the histogram that are concentrated on the dark side of gray scale. A bright image will have the histogram whose component are biased toward high side of gray scale. A high contrast image will have the histogram that covers wide range of gray scale and the distribution of pixel is approximately uniform.