Since 1965 Mr. Ajmal has gained 2 pounds every year. In 1995 he was 40% heavier than what he was in 1965. What percent of his weight in 2010 was his weight in 1995?

Correct Answer: 87.5%
1965 to 1995 or 30 yrs, - - - - Gains 30*2 = 60 lb 1995 to 2010 or 15 yrs, - - - - Gains 15*2 = 30 lb Now, 40% is equivalent to 60 lb Then, 100% is equivalent to 60*100/40 = 150 lb That is, in 1965 his weight was 150 lb; So, in 1995 = 150 + 60 = 210 lb; And in 2010 = 210 + 30 = 240 lb Required percent = (210/240)*100 = 87.5% (Ans.)