The ratios of incomes of A and B is 5:4 and the ratio of their expenditures is 3:2. If at the end of the year each save tk 1600,then the income of A is:

Correct Answer: Tk 4000
Let, income of A and B are respectively 5x and 4x Tk. and expenditures of A and B are respectively 3y and 2y Tk. According to question, 5x - 3y = 1600.......(1) 4x - 2y = 1600........(2) (1) × 4 - (2)×5 20x - 12y = 6400 20x - 10y = 8000 - 2y = - 1600 y = 800 Now, 4x - 2×800 = 1600 4x = 1600 + 1600 x = 800 So, income of A is = 5 × 800 = 4, 000 Tk.