Each of the following problem has a question and two statements which are labeled 1. and. Use the data given in 1. and 2. to decide whether the statements are sufficient to answer the question.Select one of the following . a.Statements (1) ALONE is sufficient,but (2) ALONE is not sufficient. b.Statements (2) ALONE is sufficient,but (1) ALONE is not sufficient. c. Both statement TOGETHER are sufficient but statement alone is sufficient .How many minutes are there is time period T? (1) Time period T extends from 12.00 midnight to 12.00 noon.(2) Time period T is 2 hours and 180 seconds long.

Correct Answer: B
Vigour - শারীরিক বা মানসিক শক্তি, Warmth উষ্ণতা, , Strength - শক্তি; Boldness - সাহস। সুতরাং সঠিক উত্তর d