Information: The daily average sale of apples in a fruit store is 70 kg. The price of apple per kg is Tk. 200. Due to a faulty weighing machine the store owner actually gives away 1005 grams instead of 1 kg to customers. The store operates . The store operator 300 days every year. Calculation: What is the sale of the fruit (in Tk.) in a day?

Correct Answer: 14000
Adversity অর্থ দুর্ভাগ্য, দৈবদুর্বিপাক যার most similar শব্দ হলো misfortune (দুর্ভাগ্য)। অন্যদিকে crisis অর্থ সংকটকাল; failure অর্থ ব্যর্থতা আর helpless অর্থ অসহায়ত্ব।