A drink contains 20% cranberry juice, 20% raspberry juice and the rest i apple juice. You added 250 ml water in 750 ml of the drink. Now, what is the ratio of water to apple juice in the drink?

Correct Answer: 5:9
ধরি drink - টি 1000 মিলি. ⸫ Cranberry juice = (1000×20%) = 200 মিলি. Raspberry " = 200 মিলি ⸫ Apple juice = 1000 - (200 + 200) = 600 মিলি ⸫ 750 মিলির মধ্যে apple juice 600×7501000 = 450 মিলি ⸫ water এবং apple ratio = 250 : 450 = 5 : 9