To produce an old photograph, a photographer charges x dollars to make a negative 3x/5 dollars for each of the first 10 prints, and x/5 dollars for each print in excess of 10 prints. If 45 dollars is the total charge to make a negative and 20 prints from an old photograph, how many dollars the photographer charges to make a negative?

Correct Answer: 3
To reproduce an old photograph, a photographer charges x dollars to make a negative, 3x/5 dollars for each of the first 10 prints, and x/5 dollars for each print in excess of 10 prints. If $45 is the total charge to make a negative and 20 prints from an old photograph, what is the value of x?Answer: a negative charge=xfirst 10 prints charge= 10*3x/5=30x/5 = 6xother 10 prints charge= 10*x/5=10x/5=2xx+6x+2x = 459x = 45x = 5