In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed Tk. 2400 each, 45% contributed Tk. 1200 each, and the rest contributed Tk. 120 each. If the charity received a total of Tk. 18,000 form the people who contributed Tk. 120.00, how much was contributed by the entire group?

Correct Answer: 774,000
Percent of people’s who is given by Tk.120 = 100 - 30 - 45 = 25% Number of peoples who is given by Tk. 120 = 18,000/120 = 150 Now, 25% of people’s = 150 So, Total number of people’s = (150*100/25) = 600 Total contribution = (600*0.3*2,400) + (600*0.45*1,200) + 18,000 = 774,000 Tk. Ans: 774,000 Tk.