Which of the following statements are true?
Statement I Big data refers to no precise quantity, but generally refers to data in the range of Petabytes and Exabyte, i.e. billions to trillions of records, all from various sources. Big data is generated much faster. than traditional data in much larger quantities.
Statement II Big data interests industries because they are able to learn more patterns and curious variances than smaller data sets, with the capability to provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, weather systems, financial market activity, or other phenomena.
Statement III Various departments and product lines use various applications within most organisations and store data in separate datasets. These separate databases may contain similar data, but data from one data base to another is not always consistent. This is called data silo. Correct Answer All of the above

শেয়ার করুন বন্ধুর সাথে

বিসিএস, ব্যাংক, প্রাইমারি সহ সরকারি বেসরকারি চাকুরীর পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির জন্য ডাউনলোড করুন Bissoy অ্যাপ

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A Windows 2000 Server computer named server2 runs numerous 32bit applications and two 16bit applications. Users start the 16bit applications by running APP1.EXE for one application and APP2.EXE for another application. The 16bit applications are configured to run in the separate memory space. You want to create a performance base like chart in the system monitor for all the applications on server2. You add all of 32bit applications and now you want to add two 16bit applications. What should you do?

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Ants have been living on the earth for more than 100 million years and can be found almost anywhere on the planet. It is estimated that there are about 20000 different species of ants. For this reason ants have been called Earth's most successful species. If you watch ants for any length of time you will see that they really do communicate with each other and very effectively too. Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae. Ants also use chemicals called pheromones to leave scent trails for other ants to follow. Ants build many different types of homes. Many ants build simple little mounds out of dirt or sand. Other ants use small sticks mixed with dirt and sand to make a stronger mound that offers protection from rain. Western Harvester ants make a small mound on top, but then tunnels up to 15 feet straight down to hibernate during winter. Ant mounds consist of many chambers connected by tunnels. Different chambers are used for nurseries, food storage, and resting places for the worker ants. Some ants live in wood like termites. Army ants don't make a home at all but travel in a large groups searching for food. Ants are social insects which means they live in large colonies or groups. Some colonies consist of millions of ants. There are three types of ants in each species, the queen, the sterile female workers and males. The male ants only serve one purpose, to mate with future queen ants and do not live very long. The queen grows to adulthood, mates, and then spends rest of her life laying eggs. A colony may have only one queen, or there may be many queens depending on the species. Ants go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult.
Why are ants called the 'Earth's' most successful species?

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Dyslexia is a perceptual disorder often occurring in persons of normal, or even above average intelligence. The reader is unable to perceive correctly what is on a page. Letters and numbers often appear reversed: "b" seems to be "d","quite" is "quiet" and "from" is "form". The reader tends to leave out letters or words or insert words or letters that are not there. Vowel and consonant sounds may be confused. Many dyslexics are left­handed or able to write with either hand. They often confuse left and right. Learning to speak may also be delayed beyond infancy. The condition seems to be inherited. It may persist into adulthood. However, with early recognition and specialized approaches to teaching reading, most dyslexics can learn to read. Some researchers believe that latent dyslexia may be aggravated by the way reading is taught. The modern whole­word, or look­and­say, method seems to be more of a hindrance to learning for dyslexics than it is for ordinary pupils. The phonetic method of teaching students to learn letters and sound them out appears to achieve better reading results. The problem of words that cannot be sounded out ­ such as rough, laugh or through ­ is not solved by phonetics. These words must simply be memorized. However, for children with dyslexia the problem can be compounded by the failure of parents or teachers to recognize the condition. This can easily lead to emotional problems for dyslexic children, who cannot understand their failure to keep up with their classmates.
Dyslexia may ___________

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
Modern civilisation is completely dependent on energy, which has therefore to be abundant and also economical. About 85% of the world's energy is supplied by oil, coal and natural gas while nuclear, hydro, wind and solar power and biomass supply the rest. Coal, nuclear and hydro are used primarily to generate electricity while natural gas is widely used for heating. Biomass is used both for heating and cooking. The wind and solar power is the future's hope as they are sustainable energy sources. Oil powers almost all machines that move and that makes oil uniquely versatile. Oil powered airplanes carry 500 people across the widest oceans at nearly the speed of sound. Oil powered machines produce and transport food. Oil powered machines are ubiquitous. Clearly, we live in the age of oil but it is drawing to a close. According to data available if oil production remains constant until it's gone, there is enough to last 42 years. Oil wells will produce less as they become depleted, which will make it impossible to keep production constant. Similarly natural gas and coal will last another 61 years and 133 years respectively. Naturally, as they become scarce, they become expensive, leading to a worldwide energy crisis. If we are to survive on this planet, we have to make a transition to sustainable energy sources. The transition may be willy-nilly or planned - the choice is ours. The dawning era of limited and expensive energy will be very difficult for everyone on earth but will be even more difficult if it is not anticipated. It is of utmost importance that the public and policymakers understand the global energy crisis and act in tandem to ensure that the species 'homo sapiens' does not become extinct. The energy sources of the future are

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
Dyslexia is a perceptual disorder often occurring in persons of normal, or even above average intelligence. The reader is unable to perceive correctly what is on a page. Letters and numbers often appear reversed: "b" seems to be "d","quite" is "quiet" and "from" is "form". The reader tends to leave out letters or words or insert words or letters that are not there. Vowel and consonant sounds may be confused. Many dyslexics are left­handed or able to write with either hand. They often confuse left and right. Learning to speak may also be delayed beyond infancy. The condition seems to be inherited. It may persist into adulthood. However, with early recognition and specialized approaches to teaching reading, most dyslexics can learn to read. Some researchers believe that latent dyslexia may be aggravated by the way reading is taught. The modern whole­word, or look­and­say, method seems to be more of a hindrance to learning for dyslexics than it is for ordinary pupils. The phonetic method of teaching students to learn letters and sound them out appears to achieve better reading results. The problem of words that cannot be sounded out ­ such as rough, laugh or through ­ is not solved by phonetics. These words must simply be memorized. However, for children with dyslexia the problem can be compounded by the failure of parents or teachers to recognize the condition. This can easily lead to emotional problems for dyslexic children, who cannot understand their failure to keep up with their classmates.
In Dyslexia, letters and figures often appear __________

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
Dyslexia is a perceptual disorder often occurring in persons of normal, or even above average intelligence. The reader is unable to perceive correctly what is on a page. Letters and numbers often appear reversed: "b" seems to be "d","quite" is "quiet" and "from" is "form". The reader tends to leave out letters or words or insert words or letters that are not there. Vowel and consonant sounds may be confused. Many dyslexics are left­handed or able to write with either hand. They often confuse left and right. Learning to speak may also be delayed beyond infancy. The condition seems to be inherited. It may persist into adulthood. However, with early recognition and specialized approaches to teaching reading, most dyslexics can learn to read. Some researchers believe that latent dyslexia may be aggravated by the way reading is taught. The modern whole­word, or look­and­say, method seems to be more of a hindrance to learning for dyslexics than it is for ordinary pupils. The phonetic method of teaching students to learn letters and sound them out appears to achieve better reading results. The problem of words that cannot be sounded out ­ such as rough, laugh or through ­ is not solved by phonetics. These words must simply be memorized. However, for children with dyslexia the problem can be compounded by the failure of parents or teachers to recognize the condition. This can easily lead to emotional problems for dyslexic children, who cannot understand their failure to keep up with their classmates.
The problem of perception can be compounded by the failure of parents and teachers to

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
Ants have been living on the earth for more than 100 million years and can be found almost anywhere on the planet. It is estimated that there are about 20000 different species of ants. For this reason ants have been called Earth's most successful species. If you watch ants for any length of time you will see that they really do communicate with each other and very effectively too. Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae. Ants also use chemicals called pheromones to leave scent trails for other ants to follow. Ants build many different types of homes. Many ants build simple little mounds out of dirt or sand. Other ants use small sticks mixed with dirt and sand to make a stronger mound that offers protection from rain. Western Harvester ants make a small mound on top, but then tunnels up to 15 feet straight down to hibernate during winter. Ant mounds consist of many chambers connected by tunnels. Different chambers are used for nurseries, food storage, and resting places for the worker ants. Some ants live in wood like termites. Army ants don't make a home at all but travel in a large groups searching for food. Ants are social insects which means they live in large colonies or groups. Some colonies consist of millions of ants. There are three types of ants in each species, the queen, the sterile female workers and males. The male ants only serve one purpose, to mate with future queen ants and do not live very long. The queen grows to adulthood, mates, and then spends rest of her life laying eggs. A colony may have only one queen, or there may be many queens depending on the species. Ants go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Antennae are used by ants to