A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given fouralternatives. Just as space permeates everything in the universe, love permeates every part, every aspect of creation. If there is one answer to the question, “How and why doesthis world exist?” the answer, in one word, is Love. Rather, the answer is Pure Love, since the word love has lost its meaning. Your very existence is an expression of pure unconditional love of the Source (you may call it Consciousness, Creator, God, Divine Self). This is the truth of your being.True love transcends both love and hatred. It is unconditional, unquestioning, boundless, unchanging love. It is overflowing love of the Source for the Source throughall of creation. True love is way beyond the personalized love that two or more individuals assert on one another. Personalized love, though apparently selfless, is rooted in desiresand conditional satisfaction. We have been brought up in a society that judges love based on conditions. We have been made to believe that we can receive love only when we fit into peoplesexpectations. If we are not good enough, we will be deprived of love. These beliefs have influenced the collective psyche of families, groups, communities, and societies since generations to such an extent that love has been reduced tofear of denial. We need to shift from the paradigm of false conditional love to the essence of pure unconditional love . The experience of true love comes with surrender of the false I, in letting go of the feeling of separateness. Without this sacrifice, it is not possible to attain divinelove. When this separate I is discarded, you embrace everything in oneness and catch a glimpse of pure love. True love can be experienced only through giving, not by demanding. People who exist in your life are not here to love you. They are here to remind you that you arethe Source of Love. By knowing that you are the Source of love, you can love yourself, instead of waiting to receive love from the world. Ask yourself, “Why do I need an agent to love myself?” Waiting for the world to love you, is like hiring an agent to love yourself! It is time for you to honor yourself as the Source of love. You have undertaken this human journey to realize and express the boundless love that you truly are. What does source refers to in the last line of the second para of the passage?

A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given fouralternatives. Just as space permeates everything in the universe, love permeates every part, every aspect of creation. If there is one answer to the question, “How and why doesthis world exist?” the answer, in one word, is Love. Rather, the answer is Pure Love, since the word love has lost its meaning. Your very existence is an expression of pure unconditional love of the Source (you may call it Consciousness, Creator, God, Divine Self). This is the truth of your being.True love transcends both love and hatred. It is unconditional, unquestioning, boundless, unchanging love. It is overflowing love of the Source for the Source throughall of creation. True love is way beyond the personalized love that two or more individuals assert on one another. Personalized love, though apparently selfless, is rooted in desiresand conditional satisfaction. We have been brought up in a society that judges love based on conditions. We have been made to believe that we can receive love only when we fit into peoplesexpectations. If we are not good enough, we will be deprived of love. These beliefs have influenced the collective psyche of families, groups, communities, and societies since generations to such an extent that love has been reduced tofear of denial. We need to shift from the paradigm of false conditional love to the essence of pure unconditional love . The experience of true love comes with surrender of the false I, in letting go of the feeling of separateness. Without this sacrifice, it is not possible to attain divinelove. When this separate I is discarded, you embrace everything in oneness and catch a glimpse of pure love. True love can be experienced only through giving, not by demanding. People who exist in your life are not here to love you. They are here to remind you that you arethe Source of Love. By knowing that you are the Source of love, you can love yourself, instead of waiting to receive love from the world. Ask yourself, “Why do I need an agent to love myself?” Waiting for the world to love you, is like hiring an agent to love yourself! It is time for you to honor yourself as the Source of love. You have undertaken this human journey to realize and express the boundless love that you truly are. What does source refers to in the last line of the second para of the passage? Correct Answer God

শেয়ার করুন বন্ধুর সাথে

বিসিএস, ব্যাংক, প্রাইমারি সহ সরকারি বেসরকারি চাকুরীর পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির জন্য ডাউনলোড করুন Bissoy অ্যাপ

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A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given fouralternatives. Just as space permeates everything in the universe, love permeates every part, every aspect of creation. If there is one answer to the question, “How and why doesthis world exist?” the answer, in one word, is Love. Rather, the answer is Pure Love, since the word love has lost its meaning. Your very existence is an expression of pure unconditional love of the Source (you may call it Consciousness, Creator, God, Divine Self). This is the truth of your being.True love transcends both love and hatred. It is unconditional, unquestioning, boundless, unchanging love. It is overflowing love of the Source for the Source throughall of creation. True love is way beyond the personalized love that two or more individuals assert on one another. Personalized love, though apparently selfless, is rooted in desiresand conditional satisfaction. We have been brought up in a society that judges love based on conditions. We have been made to believe that we can receive love only when we fit into peoplesexpectations. If we are not good enough, we will be deprived of love. These beliefs have influenced the collective psyche of families, groups, communities, and societies since generations to such an extent that love has been reduced tofear of denial. We need to shift from the paradigm of false conditional love to the essence of pure unconditional love . The experience of true love comes with surrender of the false I, in letting go of the feeling of separateness. Without this sacrifice, it is not possible to attain divinelove. When this separate I is discarded, you embrace everything in oneness and catch a glimpse of pure love. True love can be experienced only through giving, not by demanding. People who exist in your life are not here to love you. They are here to remind you that you arethe Source of Love. By knowing that you are the Source of love, you can love yourself, instead of waiting to receive love from the world. Ask yourself, “Why do I need an agent to love myself?” Waiting for the world to love you, is like hiring an agent to love yourself! It is time for you to honor yourself as the Source of love. You have undertaken this human journey to realize and express the boundless love that you truly are. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE about pure love?

A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given fouralternatives. Just as space permeates everything in the universe, love permeates every part, every aspect of creation. If there is one answer to the question, “How and why doesthis world exist?” the answer, in one word, is Love. Rather, the answer is Pure Love, since the word love has lost its meaning. Your very existence is an expression of pure unconditional love of the Source (you may call it Consciousness, Creator, God, Divine Self). This is the truth of your being.True love transcends both love and hatred. It is unconditional, unquestioning, boundless, unchanging love. It is overflowing love of the Source for the Source throughall of creation. True love is way beyond the personalized love that two or more individuals assert on one another. Personalized love, though apparently selfless, is rooted in desiresand conditional satisfaction. We have been brought up in a society that judges love based on conditions. We have been made to believe that we can receive love only when we fit into peoplesexpectations. If we are not good enough, we will be deprived of love. These beliefs have influenced the collective psyche of families, groups, communities, and societies since generations to such an extent that love has been reduced tofear of denial. We need to shift from the paradigm of false conditional love to the essence of pure unconditional love . The experience of true love comes with surrender of the false I, in letting go of the feeling of separateness. Without this sacrifice, it is not possible to attain divinelove. When this separate I is discarded, you embrace everything in oneness and catch a glimpse of pure love. True love can be experienced only through giving, not by demanding. People who exist in your life are not here to love you. They are here to remind you that you arethe Source of Love. By knowing that you are the Source of love, you can love yourself, instead of waiting to receive love from the world. Ask yourself, “Why do I need an agent to love myself?” Waiting for the world to love you, is like hiring an agent to love yourself! It is time for you to honor yourself as the Source of love. You have undertaken this human journey to realize and express the boundless love that you truly are. According to the passage, whom to honour as the source of love?

A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given fouralternatives. Just as space permeates everything in the universe, love permeates every part, every aspect of creation. If there is one answer to the question, “How and why doesthis world exist?” the answer, in one word, is Love. Rather, the answer is Pure Love, since the word love has lost its meaning. Your very existence is an expression of pure unconditional love of the Source (you may call it Consciousness, Creator, God, Divine Self). This is the truth of your being.True love transcends both love and hatred. It is unconditional, unquestioning, boundless, unchanging love. It is overflowing love of the Source for the Source throughall of creation. True love is way beyond the personalized love that two or more individuals assert on one another. Personalized love, though apparently selfless, is rooted in desiresand conditional satisfaction. We have been brought up in a society that judges love based on conditions. We have been made to believe that we can receive love only when we fit into peoplesexpectations. If we are not good enough, we will be deprived of love. These beliefs have influenced the collective psyche of families, groups, communities, and societies since generations to such an extent that love has been reduced tofear of denial. We need to shift from the paradigm of false conditional love to the essence of pure unconditional love . The experience of true love comes with surrender of the false I, in letting go of the feeling of separateness. Without this sacrifice, it is not possible to attain divinelove. When this separate I is discarded, you embrace everything in oneness and catch a glimpse of pure love. True love can be experienced only through giving, not by demanding. People who exist in your life are not here to love you. They are here to remind you that you arethe Source of Love. By knowing that you are the Source of love, you can love yourself, instead of waiting to receive love from the world. Ask yourself, “Why do I need an agent to love myself?” Waiting for the world to love you, is like hiring an agent to love yourself! It is time for you to honor yourself as the Source of love. You have undertaken this human journey to realize and express the boundless love that you truly are. According to the passage, which of the following statement is not TRUE?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. These ideas have been further developed by later "Gandhians", most notably, in India by, Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan. Outside of India some of the work of, for example, Martin Luther King Jr. can also be viewed in this light. Understanding the universe to be an organic whole, the philosophy exists on several planes - the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. The spiritual or religious element, and God, is at its core. Human nature is regarded as fundamentally virtuous. All individuals are believed to be capable of high moral development, and of reform. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. It should be remembered that the English word "truth" is an imperfect translation of the Sanskrit, "satya", and "non-violence", an even more imperfect translation of "ahimsa". Derived from "sat" - "that which exists" - "satya" contains a dimension of meaning not usually associated by English speakers with the word "truth". There are other variations, too, which we need not go into here. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth) and morality - the moral laws and code - its basis. Ahimsa, far from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, is understood by Gandhi to denote active love - the pole opposite of violence, or "Himsa", in every sense. The ultimate station Gandhi assigns non violence stems from two main points. First, if according to the Divine Reality all life is one, then all violence committed towards another is violence towards oneself, towards the collective, whole self, and thus "self"-destructive and counter to the universal law of life, which is love. Second, Gandhi believed that ahimsa is the most powerful force in existence. Had himsa been superior to ahimsa, humankind would long ago have succeeded in destroying itself. The human race certainly could not have progressed as far as it has, even if universal justice remains far off the horizon. From both viewpoints, non violence or love is regarded as the highest law of humankind.
According to Gandhiji, truth complies to which of the following?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. These ideas have been further developed by later "Gandhians", most notably, in India by, Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan. Outside of India some of the work of, for example, Martin Luther King Jr. can also be viewed in this light. Understanding the universe to be an organic whole, the philosophy exists on several planes - the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. The spiritual or religious element, and God, is at its core. Human nature is regarded as fundamentally virtuous. All individuals are believed to be capable of high moral development, and of reform. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. It should be remembered that the English word "truth" is an imperfect translation of the Sanskrit, "satya", and "non-violence", an even more imperfect translation of "ahimsa". Derived from "sat" - "that which exists" - "satya" contains a dimension of meaning not usually associated by English speakers with the word "truth". There are other variations, too, which we need not go into here. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth) and morality - the moral laws and code - its basis. Ahimsa, far from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, is understood by Gandhi to denote active love - the pole opposite of violence, or "Himsa", in every sense. The ultimate station Gandhi assigns non violence stems from two main points. First, if according to the Divine Reality all life is one, then all violence committed towards another is violence towards oneself, towards the collective, whole self, and thus "self"-destructive and counter to the universal law of life, which is love. Second, Gandhi believed that ahimsa is the most powerful force in existence. Had himsa been superior to ahimsa, humankind would long ago have succeeded in destroying itself. The human race certainly could not have progressed as far as it has, even if universal justice remains far off the horizon. From both viewpoints, non violence or love is regarded as the highest law of humankind.
According to Gandhiji, what is the most powerful force in existence?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. These ideas have been further developed by later "Gandhians", most notably, in India by, Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan. Outside of India some of the work of, for example, Martin Luther King Jr. can also be viewed in this light. Understanding the universe to be an organic whole, the philosophy exists on several planes - the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. The spiritual or religious element, and God, is at its core. Human nature is regarded as fundamentally virtuous. All individuals are believed to be capable of high moral development, and of reform. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. It should be remembered that the English word "truth" is an imperfect translation of the Sanskrit, "satya", and "non-violence", an even more imperfect translation of "ahimsa". Derived from "sat" - "that which exists" - "satya" contains a dimension of meaning not usually associated by English speakers with the word "truth". There are other variations, too, which we need not go into here. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth) and morality - the moral laws and code - its basis. Ahimsa, far from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, is understood by Gandhi to denote active love - the pole opposite of violence, or "Himsa", in every sense. The ultimate station Gandhi assigns non violence stems from two main points. First, if according to the Divine Reality all life is one, then all violence committed towards another is violence towards oneself, towards the collective, whole self, and thus "self"-destructive and counter to the universal law of life, which is love. Second, Gandhi believed that ahimsa is the most powerful force in existence. Had himsa been superior to ahimsa, humankind would long ago have succeeded in destroying itself. The human race certainly could not have progressed as far as it has, even if universal justice remains far off the horizon. From both viewpoints, non violence or love is regarded as the highest law of humankind.
According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. These ideas have been further developed by later "Gandhians", most notably, in India by, Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan. Outside of India some of the work of, for example, Martin Luther King Jr. can also be viewed in this light. Understanding the universe to be an organic whole, the philosophy exists on several planes - the spiritual or religious, moral, political, economic, social, individual and collective. The spiritual or religious element, and God, is at its core. Human nature is regarded as fundamentally virtuous. All individuals are believed to be capable of high moral development, and of reform. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. It should be remembered that the English word "truth" is an imperfect translation of the Sanskrit, "satya", and "non-violence", an even more imperfect translation of "ahimsa". Derived from "sat" - "that which exists" - "satya" contains a dimension of meaning not usually associated by English speakers with the word "truth". There are other variations, too, which we need not go into here. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth) and morality - the moral laws and code - its basis. Ahimsa, far from meaning mere peacefulness or the absence of overt violence, is understood by Gandhi to denote active love - the pole opposite of violence, or "Himsa", in every sense. The ultimate station Gandhi assigns non violence stems from two main points. First, if according to the Divine Reality all life is one, then all violence committed towards another is violence towards oneself, towards the collective, whole self, and thus "self"-destructive and counter to the universal law of life, which is love. Second, Gandhi believed that ahimsa is the most powerful force in existence. Had himsa been superior to ahimsa, humankind would long ago have succeeded in destroying itself. The human race certainly could not have progressed as far as it has, even if universal justice remains far off the horizon. From both viewpoints, non violence or love is regarded as the highest law of humankind.
What are the twin cardinal principles of Gandhis thought?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives. One should consciously engage in activities that will nourish your soul. Just as we nourish the body, we need to nurture the soul to connect to the creative power ofthe universe and to manifest joy in our lives. Often, we forget to address the soul, lost as we are in a jungle of material and sensual pleasures. But the more youembrace what feeds your soul, the happier you become. So if you want to enjoy the abundance of life, engage in what enriches your soul. Nurturing the soul is allabout finding calm amidst chaos. There are a number of practices that empower people towards this end including silent contemplation, various forms of meditation,yoga and tai chi However, the rigor and discipline involved in the pursuit of such practices often seems to discourage people. Add to this, the temptations of thematerial world that leave little time and motivation for anyone to pursue the spiritual path. Poet Walt Whitman declared: “Whatever satisfies the soul is truth”. Thegood news is that simple, everyday activities can also nutrify the soul — like spending time in the midst of nature, dancing in the rain or just putting thoughts onpaper. Do whatever is calming and pleases you. Creative pursuits are particularly appealing as inside each one of us, there is an artist craving for release andawaiting an opportunity for expression. One of the ways to indulge the artist within is to get started with the practice of any one or more of the creative art formssuch as music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction or essay writing. When you engage in such soul nourishing activities, all thought and energy gets focused toward goal accomplishment. At this point, you will find that even unknownforces of the universe are conniving to assist you in your amateurish but sincere attempts. As you progress, you are motivated to do better. You touch and access afaculty, a part of you that you never knew existed. Your inner artist is unleashed, baring the beauty of your soul that has found a fond medium of expression. Forinstance, a sculptors soul is seen in his artwork; a musicians in his compositions; an actors in his acting, a painters in his paintings and so on. It is immaterialwhether your effort is an immaculate artwork or just a clumsy attempt by a layperson. The idea is to try, be inspired and to create giving free rein to the mind. AsMichelangelo remarked: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”! According to the passage, why even our amateurish attempts motivate us?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives. One should consciously engage in activities that will nourish your soul. Just as we nourish the body, we need to nurture the soul to connect to the creative power ofthe universe and to manifest joy in our lives. Often, we forget to address the soul, lost as we are in a jungle of material and sensual pleasures. But the more youembrace what feeds your soul, the happier you become. So if you want to enjoy the abundance of life, engage in what enriches your soul. Nurturing the soul is allabout finding calm amidst chaos. There are a number of practices that empower people towards this end including silent contemplation, various forms of meditation,yoga and tai chi However, the rigor and discipline involved in the pursuit of such practices often seems to discourage people. Add to this, the temptations of thematerial world that leave little time and motivation for anyone to pursue the spiritual path. Poet Walt Whitman declared: “Whatever satisfies the soul is truth”. Thegood news is that simple, everyday activities can also nutrify the soul — like spending time in the midst of nature, dancing in the rain or just putting thoughts onpaper. Do whatever is calming and pleases you. Creative pursuits are particularly appealing as inside each one of us, there is an artist craving for release andawaiting an opportunity for expression. One of the ways to indulge the artist within is to get started with the practice of any one or more of the creative art formssuch as music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction or essay writing. When you engage in such soul nourishing activities, all thought and energy gets focused toward goal accomplishment. At this point, you will find that even unknownforces of the universe are conniving to assist you in your amateurish but sincere attempts. As you progress, you are motivated to do better. You touch and access afaculty, a part of you that you never knew existed. Your inner artist is unleashed, baring the beauty of your soul that has found a fond medium of expression. Forinstance, a sculptors soul is seen in his artwork; a musicians in his compositions; an actors in his acting, a painters in his paintings and so on. It is immaterialwhether your effort is an immaculate artwork or just a clumsy attempt by a layperson. The idea is to try, be inspired and to create giving free rein to the mind. AsMichelangelo remarked: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”! Why do creative pursuits appeal us?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives. By practicing mindfulness and other principles, we become more aware of and present to our fears and others fears, bearing witness as a way of healing andempowering. We see the spiritual path as intertwined with the path of social action, with contemplation and action parts of the same whole, each nourishing andguiding the other. Acknowledging that our well-being depends on others makes caring for others well-being a moral responsibility.
Through a “mindful citizen” exercise, we create a story articulating who we are as individuals who are also part of communities. This exercise helps us move beyond cynicism, complacency, and despair, instead infusing us with a sense of purpose. We embrace our gifts, resolving to do our part to promote a sense of common humanity as a means toward social justice.
With this exercise, I believe we can help students bridge their divides and replace anger and distrust with compassionate connections – just as I witnessed betweenShirley and Tiffany.
Shirley returned to class after a brief hiatus, keeping a cool distance from Tiffany. But over the weeks spent together they gradually came to know each other. They practiced seeing and listening, sharing stories so different that they felt bewildered as to how they could overcome the gap. But they found that acknowledging their differences led them to discover a place of deep connection in commonalities, such as being raised by grandmothers, and even wounds, including childhood trauma,that they never imagined existed.
In assessments of these classes, students say that these small groups become “healing communities,” where we overcome victimization and claim agency. Healingoccurs as we transcend an “us vs. them” mentality, crossing borders and forging connections. These communities show a way of reducing intergroup prejudice andfostering inclusion based in psychology research and pedagogical practice. What does the “mindful citizen” exercise help us in?